
Best Online Payment Methods: How to Receive Payments Online

Best Payment Methods for Online Businesses On the internet market there are two things involved and they are; selling and buying. The most important thing for online marketers is receiving secured payment from customers when they sell their products online or render services online. So I will be discussing on the various payment methods online. Safe and secured, choose from the list which you may consider more preferable for you to use to receive funds, transfer or pay for anything online. Even if you do not have a business online or a product to sell or service to render, you also need to have an e-wallet because the world of today is gradually evolving to an era where those things will be in use in full because it is now already in use that is why all Nigerian banks have introduced online banking system to ease their job. Online payment Processors/ Methods 1.        VaguePay :     This is the best of all payment...

Secure Your Online Privacy: Strong Password Creation

Securing Your Privacy Online The internet is developing every day and the webmasters and “internet lords” are coming up with new creations and ideas coupled together from their knowledge about the internet world and advanced technologies are also used to ease their work on the internet. But what baffles me most is to imagine how these technology gurus come up with these “heartless ideas” and inventions. I referred to it as being heartless because, these webmasters, hackers, and programmer will create viruses and will still come to us and tell us about their method and technology used to avoid or stop these viruses attacking our computer systems and technological devices, so it means with no doubt they create and they repair. Okay, kudos to them for making us buy their ideas and applying them in our daily lives to avoid running into danger online. We all seek one thing so common in life and that is  security.  As the evolution of technology stretches into our daily liv...

Bulksms Business Wealth

How To Start Up A Profitable Bulksms Business In Nigeria. Bulksms is a very profitable online business which is taking over the telecommunication industry in relation with the internet. Bulksms is a means of sending customized messages over the internet to telephone lines in few seconds in just one click. It is growing rapidly every day as more people search for ways to send messages to their contacts without displaying their mobile numbers as senders of the messages. This was started first and used by all the network providers (MTN, ETISALAT, AIRTEL, GLO, and STARCOM), to reach their customers and create a cordial day-to-day relationship, to always serve them better. This line of business remains one of the best top leading online businesses in the world today and people are tripping in each time the clock ticks and are benefiting from the sweet harvest of its income yields. So you too can do this. HOW DOES THIS BUSINESS WORK Bulksms is a means of sending bulk customized ...